One year in, over 130 partners have signed on to Demographics via Candid to reduce the reporting burden on nonprofits. This event will feature a panel discussion on how the initiative has provided crucial data to drive grantmaking decisions and equity journeys, plus the latest insights from Candid’s demographic data collection from over 65,000 nonprofits spanning the last five years. Panelists include Huilan Krenn, director of evaluation at the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Joyce Ybarra, interim vice president of programs at the Weingart Foundation, and Cat Clerkin, Ph.D., Candid’s associate vice president of research & insights. Demographics via Candid empowers nonprofits to share their demographic data one time, on their Candid profile, where it can be accessed and re-used by all. Through this initiative, Candid freely provides nonprofit demographic data to make the granting process quicker, easier, and more efficient.