a deep dive into the Performing Arts and Reopening Survey, published earlier this year by Star Insights. The survey provides a deeper understanding of the current needs of LA’s performing arts organizations and a comparative look at how the needs of these organizations have changed over time.
an update on the recent launch of TeenTix LA, a pass program initially developed in Seattle that breaks down barriers that prevent teens from accessing art in their community. The Nonprofit Sustainability Initiative supported a collaborative process among local theaters to develop and participate in TeenTix LA.
an update and discussion on the Countywide Cultural Policy strategic plan, which will be presented to the LA County Board of Supervisors on July 1 and includes recommendations that can inform arts funding.
time to share updates and help requests with fellow arts funders.
About LA Arts Funders
LA Arts Funders is a peer learning group that provides opportunities for public and private sector grantmakers to deepen their knowledge of arts philanthropy, expand their professional networks, and explore topical issues affecting LA County's arts and culture ecosystem.