We recognize that the Environmental Health and Justice movement is in a huge moment of transition, in many different ways: from COVID shifting the way we think about our relationships to health and work, to generational shifts, and to huge influxes of funding impacting the movement. As many movement leaders reach retirement age and come up against the challenge of not being able to take care of themselves after giving all of their lives to the movement, how are we, as a sector, taking stock of this moment and collaborating on creative solutions? How are we acknowledging the role that philanthropy has played in bringing us to this point, and its role moving forward? This webinar brings together movement leaders in a virtual round-table that will assess the current moment, and provide some practices, tools, and the roles that philanthropy can and should play. We recognize that this is a deep, nuanced issue - this round table will be a foray into some of these. We will surface some of the many challenges facing our movements and organizations in this time of national and organizational transition, and lift up solutions and tools for moving through it.
Ash-Lee Henderson, Highlander Center (moderator)
Maurice Mitchell, Working Families Party
Cindy Wiesner, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
Miya Yoshitani, Consultant