Census, redistricting, and elections are all integral and interconnected elements of democracy that significantly impact our political system and daily lives. Accurate census data is crucial for the fair distribution of government funds and for determining how redistricting lines are drawn for political representation at local, state, and federal levels. As we approach the middle of the decade, it may seem early for philanthropy, government, and communities to prepare for the next Census and redistricting cycle, but this mindset fails to recognize the need for long-term investment and advocacy. Continued strategizing and coordinated efforts in between cycles are crucial to support civically engaged communities. Philanthropy has an opportunity to fund ongoing Census and redistricting work, with the understanding that these elements of our democracy cannot be treated as separate entities but instead function best in unity. This session will highlight the significance of these foundational elements of our democracy, the preparations needed for the next cycle, and the ways philanthropy can support and take action.
Special Projects Coordinator, Ventura County Community Foundation
Funder Liaison, Census Equity Initiative