The LA County Arts Education Collective: Bridging Youth, Schools, and the Creative Economy to Advance Equitable Outcomes
The SCG Workforce Funders Group is hosting a Peer Funder Learning Session on Monday November 13th at 2 pm PT. The session is designed to create a more informal networking and discussion space, led by a funder, specifically for other funders to learn about different funding areas, new opportunities, and to engage in an interactive discussion.
The first topic will focus on arts and creative career pathways, which includes K-12 arts education and youth development, as part of work happening in the LA County Arts Education Collective. As recognition of the importance of the arts in community, human, workforce and economic development grows, this discussion will highlight both new and longstanding efforts to support this work, and the role of philanthropy. We encourage funders from various related areas (e.g. workforce, youth, education, child welfare, etc.) to join this opportunity for a focused conversation with the Workforce Group.
The SCG Workforce Funders Group convenes funders from various disciplines working with systemically and historically excluded communities to promote equitable access to quality jobs in the Southern California (SoCal) grantmakers region. The group focuses on advancing workforce development and educational approaches that seek to ensure young people have employment opportunities that help them thrive and lead to upward mobility and equitable outcomes. As part of its work together, the group will share learning, create networking opportunities, and explore various funding models to inform individual and collective grantmaking.