Center for Strategic Partnerships
An initiative of Southern California Grantmakers, the Center for Strategic Partnerships is a collaboration between government and philanthropy that is located within the Los Angeles County Chief Executive Office.
Mission Statement
Using an equity lens to guide our work, we support cross-sector collaborations that transform Los Angeles County systems, policies, and practices to improve outcomes for vulnerable children, youth, and families.
What the Center Does
The Center builds relationships and creates trust to work together.
The Center leverages private-sector financing and know-how to catalyze innovation.
How the Center Does What It Does
The Center sets the table bringing together government, nonprofits, business, and philanthropy to identify pressing needs and set priorities for systems change. We broker and bring joint initiatives to fruition—from helping shape an idea to drafting the proposal to securing commitments from our partners and all of the legwork in between.
Why the Center Does What It Does
Cross-sector partnerships have immense potential to transform our child welfare system and improve the lives of our County’s children. These partnerships take work, commitment, and strategic thinking. The Center creates space to make partnerships possible—we bring the time and effort, the right energy, and the view toward a larger goal that enables our partners together to change lives.
The Center's Work
Los Angeles County is at an inflection point for our vulnerable kids and families. We have momentum here at the local level that gives us a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make real change. This Center is a part of that momentum, and the initiatives listed below represent our efforts thus far. Our work is in the three areas of our Shared Agenda as well as cross-sector initiatives. They are at varying levels of incubation, as illustrated by the Project Progress Key below. We welcome involvement in all ongoing efforts as well as ideas for other joint initiatives. Don't hesitate to get in touch with Center Director Kate Anderson to learn more.