A yearly budget can appear rather cut and dry, but depending on who makes decisions about the budget and how these choices are made, there will be wide-ranging implications for the philanthropy’s grantmaking and spending policies. Budget decisions should also be informed by the collective values and purpose of a philanthropy, and not just the financial aspects. What are the questions you ask when developing your budget and allocating resources, and who is permitted to weigh in on these decisions? What are you trying to accomplish, and what do you need to spend to reach those goals? What are the different types of capital available to use towards your social impact goals? And is your family thinking critically about perpetuity and lifespan? In this webinar, hear insights for how the budgeting process can support your organization’s philanthropic purpose.
About this Series
The monthly Fundamentals of Family Philanthropy webinar series provides guidance on the core tenets of effective family philanthropy—from motivations and values to governance, grantmaking, and succession. The series equips giving families with the latest information on evergreen topics in the donor lifecycle through practical takeaways and diverse family stories that illustrate important practices. Designed for seasoned practitioners and newcomers alike, the series is available to our Member Families and Network Partners.
More Fundamentals
For a refresher on this topic, watch the recording of the 2022 Fundamentals webinars on Impact Strategies and see additional resources here.