Day One: SCG’s 2024/2025 Family Philanthropy Conference: Bridging Possibilities
To help us capture the day, we will be joined by Las Fotos Project, and Graphic Recorder, Andrea Pescosolido, from Andrea Pescosolido Art & Illustration LLC.
In addition, we would like to acknowledge Heart of Los Angeles | HOLA for their contributions to this year's conference.
Day 1
Dec 06, 2024
Christine Essel
President and CEO,
SoCal Grantmakers
Jeff Schaffer
Senior Advisor,
JMC Philanthropic Advisors
For almost two decades, a small group of family foundations across Southern California have come together to provide each other with peer support, rigorous discussion, and lasting community in service of effective grantmaking. These Family Foundation Information Exchange (FFIX) groups have grown over the years into a thriving philanthropic community. In this panel discussion, SCG's FFIX leaders will share insights from the many conversations they've explored in these groups and how these safe and confidential spaces have helped them build relationships and advance their foundation's work. Jan Kern, SCG's Senior Philanthropy Advisor, will facilitate this conversation, where our speakers will discuss how they have built bridges with their grantees, philanthropic community, and families that have helped pave a path forward for our sector.
John Babcock
The John Jewett & Helen Chandler Garland Foundation
Daniel Estes
Program Director,
Specialty Family Foundation
Jan Kern
Senior Philanthropy Advisor
Southern California Grantmakers
Rachel Roth
President, Roth Family Foundation, Executive Director,
The Crail-Johnson Foundation
Leadership is key in the success of family philanthropy; some would even say it is “foundational”! Over the past twenty years, Carrie Avery and Claire Peeps have inspired our family foundation community as they've led the Durfee Foundation to become one of the most respected philanthropic organizations in Southern California. Rarely do we see a CEO and board chair remain at the helm of a foundation for this amount of time, leading with consistency, intelligence, vision, and care. In October 2024, the extraordinary partnership between Carrie Avery and Claire Peeps ended its lengthy term.Before Carrie and Claire say their final goodbye, they will join the SCG family philanthropy community for an unforgettable fireside chat moderated by Robin Kramer (Smidt Foundation) to share decades of wisdom. They will explore how building bridges has been a cornerstone of their decades-long partnerships. They will also reflect on their legacies and the importance of investing in our common humanity. Finally, they will bestow their sage advice on how the family philanthropy community can be a bridge during difficult moments and help philanthropy imagine new possibilities.
Carrie Avery
Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
Robin M. Kramer
Managing Director,
The Smidt Foundation
SCG is excited to present Jan Kern, SCG's Senior Philanthropy Advisor, with the 2024 Heart of Philanthropy Award, which recognizes individuals with an unwavering commitment to the SCG community and the future of the philanthropic sector. For twenty years, Jan has spearheaded SCG’s family philanthropy work, advocating for the needs of our family members, building networks across foundations, and facilitating our Family Foundation Information Exchange (FFIX) groups. We are honored to recognize Jan at Day One of our conference before she formally retires from SCG on January 1, 2025.