Los Angeles County Veteran Peer Access Network
The Los Angeles County Veteran Peer Access Network (VPAN) is a collaborative effort that will unite the community through partnership, support, and engagement across all levels of government, business, nonprofits, philanthropy, and the general public.
Provide a high-quality, coordinated network of care that is easily accessible for Los Angeles County servicemembers, veterans, and their families through an enduring, world-class VPAN.
Every Los Angeles County servicemember, veteran, and their family can easily find and access the wealth of support services available to them through the VPAN, which enables them to live and thrive in the community. Service providers in Los Angeles County will use a common agenda and shared approach to coordinate county-wide services that holistically support the veteran population. As the backbone entity for veteran services and service providers, VPAN will be viewed as a trusted partner of veterans, their families, and veteran-serving organizations in Los Angeles County.
The VPAN model is an essential and effective way to help ensure that veterans and their families can gain timely access to diverse services that are embedded within numerous organizational silos.
With more than 280,000 veterans, Los Angeles County has the largest population of veterans of all the counties in the United States. It also has a rich set of services and support for veterans — including housing, health care, education, and employment — which are spread among numerous government and non-government agencies that predominantly operate independently. Despite this wealth of resources, the County’s veteran population continually faces extreme homelessness, housing instability, substance abuse, poverty, and barriers to care. Some veteran serving entities are engaged in a few countywide efforts to address these challenges, but no single entity has the authority or influence to provide the infrastructure, elicit collaboration, or solidify meaningful coordination. Thus, the VPAN is being established to serve as the coordinating authority and the essential human connective tissue required to improve veterans' access to services.
The VPAN is specifically designed to be a long-term solution to improve and maximize client access to housing, wrap-around services (i.e. health, mental health, substance abuse support, education, training, employment, benefits, legal), and Veteran Service Organizations. We envision an LA County unified by shared intention and cross-sector collaboration that helps veterans and their families heal, grow and flourish by providing easy access to the right services and the right opportunities from the right people in the right places at the right time.
Community-Based Organizations for Each Supervisorial District
- Supervisorial District 1: Job. Vision. Success (JVS)
- Supervisorial District 2: Battleship USS Iowa
- Supervisorial District 3: Goodwill Southern California
- Supervisorial District 4: Battleship USS Iowa
- Supervisorial District 5: Job. Vision. Success (JVS)
Learn More
The Veteran Peer Access Network connects veterans and their families to services and support. For help, call 1-800-854-7771, press *3.
To get information on VPAN, please visit: https://dmh.lacounty.gov/veterans.
Provide services to veterans and their families? Learn more about the Los Angeles Veteran Collaborative by visiting: https://losangelesveteranscollaborative.com.